Blue Lace Agate Chip Bracelet


SKU: CbracBLace1

Throughout human history, people have used waterways and skies to transport messages back and forth. Even today, digital messages travel across frequency waves within the earth’s magnetic field. Communication, in sum, flows across the streams of earth’s surface, providing insight and information. In its white and blue layers, Blue Lace Agate also wields the ever flowing energy of clear and truthful communication within the soul. This supportive stone is all talk. Opening the throat chakra, Blue Lace Agate activates strength within speech. For individuals who struggle socializing or speaking publicly, this powder-blue beauty can aid in releasing fears of sharing truth and emotion through language. Even writers can place Blue Lace Agate in their workspace to facilitate clarity of the mind to improve skill and creative expression. With its soft vibrations, you can feel a sense of ease in your heart to easily discuss difficult subjects. Carry this stone with you during therapy or when repeating verbal affirmations.
Paired with Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate fosters stronger heart-felt communication. If you
need help being vulnerable with people you love, carry these two together. Another good
pair for Blue Lace Agate is Aquamarine. Aquamarine is known to build courage. Together,
these two can boost your confidence in speaking your inner truth and honest emotion. Fire
signs, Leo and Aries, can benefit from Blue Lace Agate’s ability to focus fiery passion into
cool, calm, and collected communication. Even Mercury, the communication planet, in
detriment or fall can feel this stone’s supportive frequency.